
Do you want to feel connected with your patients?

Do you want to make sure they feel heard and understood?

Do you want to play a direct role in fixing our broken healthcare system?

Let’s humanize healthcare through stronger patient-doctor relationships.

doctor and patient talking

“Doctors and patients – all of us – are equally responsible for the healthcare relationship, just like any other type of relationship”.

“When the qualities of a successful relationship - respect, communication and trust – are present between a provider and a patient, the impact is astounding:

  • Quality of life improvements

  • Better treatment outcomes

  • Fewer readmissions

  • More efficient appointments

When we get to the true problem faster, there’s a financial benefit to the individual and the system.”

Do you want to leave an impact?


The participants were asked to choose between 5 cartoon faces, each meant to express a different level of happiness.

The question was presented as follows:

Choose which face most closely reflects your feelings about your current life (the faces range from very happy to very sad, 1-5 from right to left).

Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 2.31.07 PM.png

1 = Happy most of the time, sad rarely

2 = Generally happy and content

3 = Balanced in happy and unhappy feelings

4 = Not happy very, often discontent

5 = Very unhappy all of the time

PART 2 (A)

Once the participants picked a face that corresponded to their defined level of happiness, they were asked to consider the following situations and conditions in their life and select the state of mind that best reflected their self assessed expectations:

  1. physical living conditions

  2. career success

  3. academic success

  4. financial status

  5. love life

  6. family life

  7. social life

  8. prospect of having children

  9. personal appearance

  10. health

The participants had to respond based on their personal expectations of where they imagined themselves to be at this point in their life.

The choices were

  • “Expectations Not Met”

  • “Expectations Met”

  • “Expectations Exceeded”

PART 2 (B)

I asked the participant to rank each one of the previous life circumstances in terms of importance in their lives. This allowed me to determine the strength and influence of their answers regarding expectations. They were instructed to rank from 1-5:

1 = Doesn’t impact my feelings at all

2 = Doesn’t matter much

3 = Neutral

4 = Pretty important but not a top priority

5 = Extremely important


Lastly, the participants were asked to list if they had any extenuating circumstances by checking off the following and determine whether the circumstances has had an extreme positive OR negative impact on their current state of happiness.

  • Any sort of emotional/physical challenge ex) depression

  • Recent death or birth of a loved one ex) a new baby

  • Recent loss or gain ex) job loss or new job

  • Recent change of status ex) marital, job title, academic level

  • Recent change in romantic life ex) divorce or marriage

  • Recent change in living situation ex) moving primary home location

  • Recent financial loss or gain ex) debt

It was enforced that participants were only to list such circumstances only if they “greatly affected” how they felt on a regular basis. This information was requested in order to further measure and analyze the previously chosen expectations and happiness level.


“This simple questionnaire-based conversation gave me a 360-degree view of each patient’s world beyond their health concerns.”